Fresh Coast Guardians are everyday people who love Lake Michigan and want to protect it.
You can help us prevent polluted storm runoff from reaching our waterways by managing water better when it rains or snows. Here’s how:
Have questions? Contact the Fresh Coast Resource Center today!
It captures, absorbs and stores rain and melting snow, taking on numerous shapes and sizes from 55-gallon rain barrels to trees and porous pavers for parking lots, driveways and sidewalks. Green roofs can top buildings and bioswales can line city streets.
• Helps protect rivers and lakes from water pollution.
• Keeps stormwater from becoming someone else's headache downstream.
• Reduces the risk of basement backups and sewer overflows.
We have an aggressive goal and we need your help! It's to create, by the year 2035, enough green infrastructure in our region to capture 740 million gallons of water every time it rains. Why? To reduce water pollution and improve our rivers and Lake Michigan. Yes, 740 million gallons is huge, but consider this:
One Inch of Rain on MMSD's Service Area = 7.1 Billion Gallons of Water.
Beautify your yard and help protect Lake Michigan by ordering rain garden plants for up to 50% off retail.
Plant supplies are limited for this plant sale. Once plants SELL OUT, the SALE WILL CLOSE! Order your rain garden plants today.
For more details about the sale, visit our Rain Garden Sale information page.
We invite public, not-for-profit, and private sector organizations within eligible municipalities to apply for funding from the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District (MMSD) to create new rain gardens, bioswales, green roofs, and a variety of green infrastructure (GI) practices that help capture and manage rainfall and melting snow.
For more information visit our GIPP information page.
Check out some of the green strategies local residents and businesses are using to help combat water pollution.
Explore these solutions, then call us with your questions at 414-225-2222. We’re here to help!